Tuesday 27 September 2011

Photographer Reaseach

John Goldsmith
I have chosen John because i like the fact his photos arent of still objects with shadows but they have a real life factor to them

Some of the tecniques he uses are to take shadow picture in harsh afternoon light as the shadows stand out very well. He also takes pictures of things that dont seem that interesting but then are because of the shadow. John also uses things witch normally take photos of as they become more interesting.

Induction Task Photos

My Photo Analysis

I Belive my photos are simmilar to those of John Goldsmith Because i took all of these photos in the afternoon where the sun is the harshet. i also took photos of things that aint very interesting but because of the shadows they bring some context to the photos, For example the photo of the monkey bars if the shadow of the top part of the monkey bars wasnt there i think it would look preety dull. Overall i think i did a good job of using technices of John Goldsmiths to make some good photos of shadows!!!