Wednesday 7 December 2011

Photographs for Research

This photo of a Lynx came from

I like this image because of the whole photo is well taken, I realy like the full rotor blur of the tail rotor and this is what i intend to do on my photos as well as i can. 

This Image has been very well framed because the subject is in the middle of the frame with not a lot of stuff in the background. As there is just the helicopter and trees in the picture your eye is automatically drawn to the Lynx. This photo will have been shot with a small aperture because the whole image is in focus. this photo will have also been shot with a shutter speed of around 1/4 seconds. the light in this is low contrasting light because all of the tone are quite subtle. There is no artifical lighting used in this photo just natural lighting from the sun. The quality of this photo is very good because you can see all the coulors , all the edges are crisp and there is no grainy patches anywhere. This is a wide shot because you can see the whole aircraft which means that there is a lot of background space.

This Photo was taken by the same photographer that took the above shot.  And is of a AAC Apache in flight.
This photo stands out for me because because although the whole aircraft isn't in the shot it is still very clear on what it is. i also like the light on in this photo.
This photo is only of the front half of the aircraft, this helps make the detail of the front end more prominent. When i look at this photo i am drawn to look at the machine gun because even thought the whole aircraft is a mean looking aircraft it looks rather scary.
As it is a close up of the front half there isn't anything in the back ground apart from a dull grey sky.
The whole image is in focus so was shot with a small aperture also the rotor blades are slightly blurred so a shutter speed of about 1/8s. The light in this photo is high contrast because there isn,t a wide range of tones its either bright or black. This photo is very good quality as its very sharp and no grainy effect apart from the rotors which are suppose to be blurred.

This photo has come from and is of a US Marine Black Hawk.

The photo stands out for me becase you ca see the pilot and the crewman who is manning the minigun. This photo is of the main body of the helicopter without the tail boom this makes the photo more detailed because it is closer to the aircraft. When I lok at this photo im drawn to the winch on the top of the door because this is a different coulor the the rest of the aicraft. The whole of this photo is in focus apart prom the rotor blades but the photo was shot with a shuter speed of around 1/4s so that the rotors are blured to show movement. The light in this photo High contrast because the blacks are very black and the lighter coulors are very bright. This is a low angle shot because the helicopter is flying and it shows that it flying quite high.

This is a close up photo of a Chinook from I like this photo because I am intending to take some close ups of the helicopters. This photo stands out to me because it is so detailed. This is just of the rear engine and rotor hub. When you look at this photo you are drawn to the white 103 because the rest of the colours are quite dark. The whole photo is again in focus so the depth of field is from the engine in the foreground right to the top of the rotor hub in the background. The lighting is low contrast because the lights and darks aren’t very different. There must have been a lot of light because the whole image is very crisp with a lot of detail. This is a close up shot from a low angle I can tell this because the higher up the photo you look it gets further away from you.

I have had to change my idea because of access problems so the rest of the photos are motor vehicles.
This is a photo of a honda cbf500. The photo was from I like this photo because of it being black and white which makes the bike look more impressive. The bike is the only thing in the shot so the impact is not lost. I really like the shine on the fuel tank. This shot is a mid-shot. this was shot with a small aperture because the depth of field is quite large.

This is a photo of a Suzuki gsxr600 SRAD from
I like this photo because of bike itself is not over powered by anything in the foreground or background. The photo must have been taken with a large aperture because the depth of focus is very short as the floor closest to the camera and the background are both out of focus. the photo only uses natural light and there is a lot of light because all lines and edges are crisp.

This photo of a Honda Hornet is from I like this photo because most photos of bike i have looked at are of new bikes that are clean and pristine but this one you can see is used a lot. The photo again was taken with a large aperture because the depth of field is from the back wheel to the tip of the exhaust then the photo loses focus. Part of the impact of this photo comes from it being of black and white.

This is a photo of Valentino Rossi on his Yamaha YZF R1 from
What i like about this photo is the fact that the bike is in focus but the background isn't. The bike is fully in focus this shows how fast the bike is moving. This photo was shot in natural light and there was alot of light because the lines and edges are all nice and crisp.